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wall decorations and more
carried out on the instructions of the client, or the decorator design of our project
to enhance a corner, a space ... a piece of furniture
for the treatment of the eye and the soul


Anchor 81



overflowing with fragmented memories, of a mixture of all schools, abrupt,  without restraint and respect

one experiences the bond with the land, with the intention of expressing the continuity in respect of our time



Majolica Ceramics of Orvieto Jewelry Stage Restoration Paintings Decorations

Made in Italy




Nadia Formiconi

 Via Duomo 42

 Via Malabranca 32

 0rvieto 05018 Italy

 338 7454344




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Adalberto Caldoro 

 Via Duomo 42 

 Via Malabranca 32 

 0rvieto 05018 Italy

 328  3623720 




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