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... beyond the threshold of time, beyond the threshold of the place ...                                                              



    Ingeborg Bachmann                                                                


"the thirtieth year"


Anchor 7
rose, necklace. ceramic CeramicarteOrvieto workshop crafts
moon,majolica CeramicarteOrvieto workshop crafts ceramics
tulip, plate. majolica CeramicarteOrvieto workshop crafts

Orvieto is one of the one hundred municipalities in Italy in ancient ceramic tradition.

Between Rome and Florence, in the land of the Etruscans, the city high and strange, perched on a spur of tufa

... and just down the street a miracle: the Cathedral ...

Walking through the narrow streets meet continuously elegant architecture of eras different:

Papal Palace, Palace of the People, St. Patrick's Well; and in caves, Etruscan ruins

to make by far in the history of a city, that while renewing, retains all of its old charm.

His art pottery, always, nor ennobles, characterizes and describes ideas, history, culture and traditions

Anchor 8

between our majolica a selection of traditional pottery of Orvieto

among the paintings our colors to the alleys of the city.

the restoration and decoration are born from the care of the artistic heritage that our city contains

everything is made in compliance with the arts and crafts that made great the Free City of Orvieto


restoration decoration on the ceiling, Orvieto CeramcarteOrvieto workshop
Cathedral, home decor Orvieto CeramicarteOrvieto workshop
basin medioeval Orvieto CeramicarteOrvieto workshop crafts
the Mauritius, Orvieto. painting on wood CeramicarteOrvieto
Anchor 11

I was borned and I live on a spur of tufa

closed to the hills into the heart of Italy

ween Rome and Florence.

Place of potters since thr time of the Etrucans and

- to say with Marquez -

last of this eternal coming and going

that challenge the earth to be created.





Formiconi Nadia - ceramist - Orvieto workshop crafts CeramicarteOrvieto
Orvieto basin, archaic  majolicaXIV century, collection Imbert- Sao Paulo Brazil

... and just down the street a miracle ...



"and as long as he believes that we can continue with this back and forth fucking? "


Florentino Ariza had his answer ready for fifty-three years, seven months and eleven days,

including nights.

- for the entire life-



    Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"love in the time of cholera"

painting on wood CeramicarteOrvieto workshop



overflowing with fragmented memories, of a mixture of all schools, abrupt,  without restraint and respect

one experiences the bond with the land, with the intention of expressing the continuity in respect of our time



Majolica Ceramics of Orvieto Jewelry Stage Restoration Paintings Decorations

Made in Italy




Nadia Formiconi

 Via Duomo 42

 Via Malabranca 32

 0rvieto 05018 Italy

 338 7454344




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Adalberto Caldoro 

 Via Duomo 42 

 Via Malabranca 32 

 0rvieto 05018 Italy

 328  3623720




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